
My house, my rules, buddy
10 июля были объявлены номинанты Primetime Emmy Award, Дилана среди них нет.
Жаль, конечно, но какие его годы!

@темы: Emmy, Dylan is fabulous


My house, my rules, buddy

Честно говоря, меня реакция Скотта очень удивила. В первом сезоне он рвался на поле, чтобы произвести впеатление на девушку, его не смущало, что он может обратиться и загрысть/нанести кому-то серьезные увечья/привлечь к себе внимание охотников и т.д. ЕМНИП, то он очень радовался своему капитанству и азартно соперничал с Джексоном.
А в 4.3 такая рефлексия, ну! В конце концов, лакросс - контактный спорт, и всякие травмы для игроков не новость. Не обязательно быть оборотнем, чтобы толкнуть соперника так, чтобы у него сломалась конечность. Или наш труальфа взрослеет? Не прошло и полгода, как грится.
Минутка нелюбви к Скотту законечна :alles:

@темы: Teen Wolf, Stiles is awesome

My house, my rules, buddy

My house, my rules, buddy

@темы: Dylan is fabulous

My house, my rules, buddy

@темы: Derek, Teen Wolf


My house, my rules, buddy
My house, my rules, buddy
I thought that I could shed some light on the Malia school situation. I teach at a high school where this happens often. As a teacher it’s very frustrating and heartbreaking all at the same time. At our school we get the students who were raised in certain religious cults (too put it vaguely to keep things ambiguous and private), they have literally never been inside of a school or learned to be in what we consider normal circumstances. They take these kids and put them right into the grade of the age that they are. They do this regardless of their learning abilities. Most the time these kids, by no fault of their own, are not ready to be in that grade, and have barely learned how to read let alone who President Lincoln is. They don’t even know how school works, they don’t understand concepts of class time vs. break time, or that you have to be in a certain place at any given time.

I think that this situation is very similar to Malia’s. Her dad, if she is living with him, could choose an option that gives her extra education and none of us know what the school/principal/state/teachers know about her situation or what her story is so much of it is in the air. However it seems fairly likely that Malia is where the school has decided to put her, according to the laws of the state. This is long winded, but I just thought I could help answer some of your questions about why she is in “regular” school. The idea behind this concept is to keep them up to speed with a proper graduation date (before age 19) and get them adjusted as quickly as possible, even if it is a big shock. Hopefully Malia has the ability to recieve additional help while she is learning, both socially and educationally. ©

Оказывается, не все так плохо в датском королевстве ТВ! Были схожие прецеденты в реальных американских школах, что говорить про мтв-ный сериал про оборотней.
Пирожок так Малии и говорил, мол, возмешь парочку предметов, по-тихоньку будешь нагонять программу. В этом сезоне нам показывают, как учителя стараются вовлекать её в учебный процесс, чтобы она быстрее влилась. Неправдоподобных успехов в учебе Малия не делает и активно юзает красный маркер. По-моему, все логично.
Вот если бы еще сцены в подвале не было..

@темы: Malia, Teen Wolf


high road

My house, my rules, buddy

My house, my rules, buddy

@темы: Dylan is fabulous



My house, my rules, buddy

@темы: Dylan is fabulous



My house, my rules, buddy

@темы: Teen Wolf, Orny Adams

My house, my rules, buddy
1. ©

2. Dylan O’Brien nominated for a 2014 Young Hollywood Award
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3. Entertainment Weekly’s “Breaking Big” feature (June 6th, 2014 Issue #1313/1314)
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@темы: Dylan is fabulous


My house, my rules, buddy

@темы: Teen Wolf, Sterek

My house, my rules, buddy

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In which Derek, a senior, is a star basketball player who just hit it big and is in the midst of his first interview. The interviewer breaches the subject of Derek’s boyfriend Stiles, a goofy Stanford sophomore who stole Derek’s heart with too many 90’s pop culture references and spastic attacks of ADD. ©

@темы: Teen Wolf, Sterek

My house, my rules, buddy

@темы: lol stuff


Sterek AU

My house, my rules, buddy

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Sterek AU: When Derek gets hit with a temporary deaging curse, the pack does it best to hide this fact. Stiles thinks he did a great job but the “cousin Miguel” thing gets out of hand and soon half of the town thinks Stiles is secretly dating some guy (including “cousin Miguel,” the actual guy that Stiles want to date). ©

@темы: Teen Wolf, Sterek

My house, my rules, buddy

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Sterek AU: when Scott and Stiles move to the other side of the country for college Stiles is relived his reputation of spastic kid and troublemaker won’t follow him there. He vows to be ”calm and mature” and hey, it’s working - he’s scored a few dates with the hottest guy on the campus: Derek Hale. Everything is fine until for one of their dates Derek proposes they go camping. Stiles is sure he won’t be able to keep himself still and quiet for HOURS and Derek is going to run away as far from Stiles as it’s possible. ©

@темы: Teen Wolf, Sterek


Teen Wolf AU

My house, my rules, buddy

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Stiles talks to Scott about his relationship, or lack of relationship, problems… Scott isn’t taking it as seriously as Stiles thinks he is. ©

@темы: Teen Wolf, Sterek

My house, my rules, buddy
My house, my rules, buddy