Well, despite how murky the outlook for Teen Wolf gets at times, I believe Sterek has been blessed with a beautiful slow-build. I’m not sure if Jeff originally had plans for Sterek when he wrote seasons one and two, but it’s safe to say he took the idea and incorporated it into his plans. Season three is all the evidence we need. The relationship between Stiles and Derek is like never before.
There’s no denying that Sterek is the only pairing in the entire series that has taken on a slow-build. Big staples in Sterek’s developing relationship appear to have been cleverly placed throughout season three. For example, Stiles comforting Derek, Stiles being the one to learn about Derek’s past, Derek canonically being shown to care about Stiles, Derek as the ‘king’ on Stiles’ chessboard, etc.
Of course, the future for Sterek is unknown. It’s Teen Wolf. Anything could happen. But I believe that all roads for Stiles and Derek end up at one final destination…one where they end up together.
Hope can be hard to hold onto, especially with all the punches the fandom has to endure. However, if there’s one thing regarding Teen Wolf to hold onto hope for…it’s Sterek.
Hold onto every bit of hope you have. Stay loud. Stay vocal. Celebrate the amazing ship of Sterek. Keep yourself focused on Sterek being endgame. All the right puzzle pieces are falling into place.